Well I am back with another small freebie, I thought this turned out pretty cute for your Holiday pictures. It is a Santa Clause frame. Just click on the preview to snag it, and I have given up on anyone leaving comments when they download but if you could see it in yourself to leave a comment I would be extremely grateful. This is a commercial use ok freebie, the tou that is included states otherwise but it is a cu ok item if you would like a cu tou just email me and I would be happy to send it to you.
I was cleaning my hard drive, and found this little mini kit that I had, and thought that you guys might enjoy it as a freebie.
This isn't a lot but it might be something you can use, click on image to download, the password is the name jesus
and remember to scroll on down for the Holly Jolly blog train portion....
Here is my portion of the Holly Jolly Christmas blog train! This is a huge blog train with 80 stops! Can you believe it?

Stop 02 - Carolyn Ritter
Stop 03 - Karrie Thomas of
Kez Creates Designs
Stop 04 - Crafted by Gina
Stop 05 - DesignsByAmilyn
Stop 06 - Michelle
Stop 07 - Throwing
Some Scraps Around
Stop 08 - Country
Hollow Scraps
Stop 09- ScrapinDaisy
from Designs by Ruth
Stop 10 - Bits O'Scrap
Stop 11 - Wimpychompers
Stop 12 - QueenBrat
Stop 13- Mumure
Stop 14 - Frosted
Stop 15 - Aussie Scraps
Stop 16 - HutchsBaby Faith in
Christ Scraps
Stop 17 - MoveFearlessly
Stop 18 - swordascrappin
Stop 19 - Kismet
Stop 20 - Missladyhawke
Stop 21 - The Queen and
the Princess Designs
Stop 22 - Vanjo Designs
Stop 23 - Angi's Place
Stop 24 - SotoCreations
Stop 25 - The
Mathematician's Assistant
Stop 26 - Crops2Dawn
Stop 27 - S.G.Rowe
Stop 28 - Amy's
Stop 29 - jaydensmama ---------YOU ARE HERE
Stop 30 - Crystal Jozlin,
Crystal's Creations By Design
Stop 31 - Digital Creations
by Amber
Stop 32 - Kitten Scraps
Stop 33 - Grandma Pat
Stop 34 - Grunge and
Glitter Scraps
Stop 35 - JIC Creations
Stop 36 - Butterfly Kisses
Stop 37 - Babyyaks
Stop 38 - Simply
Beautiful Creations
Stop 39 - Pretty Scrappy
Stop 40 - TammyJo's
Stop 41 - CMB
Stop 42 - Christy Skaggs
Stop 43 - SnapScrapCreate
Stop 44 - Believe Designs
Stop 45 - Linda's
Dream Designs
Stop 46 - MIP Scraps
Stop 47 - Miss
Erin's Scraps
Stop 48 - WillowRaven at
Purple Dragonfly Creations
Stop 49 - Digital
Stop 50 - Blind Sight
Stop 51 - Dreamland
Stop 52 - Hummie's World
Stop 53 - Northern Lights
Stop 54 - DesignZ by DeDe
Stop 55 - twisted angel
Stop 56 - Desert Bloom
Stop 57 - Rachelz_Expressionz
Stop 58 - Creations By
Stop 59 - Bits'N'Bobs
Stop 60 - Amanda's Scrappy
Stop 61 - Heartfelt Perfections
Stop 62 - Candie
Stop 63 - Just
For You DigiScraps
Stop 64 - Cuddlebeez
Stop 65 - Prairie Sage
Stop 66 - Creekside Cottage
Stop 67 - PinkuPixie Digital
Stop 68 - Mariscrap
Stop 69 - Marbled Circle
Stop 70 - Panda
Bear Designs
Stop 71 - Kolor'Scapez!
Stop 72 - Stellarfairie
Stop 73 - Manda @ Disaster
In Designs
Stop 74 - Danielle [DMK
Stop 75 - Katlen Kreations
Stop 76 - Babydoll's
Stop 77 - Angel
Stop 78 - Designs
by Teri
Stop 79 - SandEz
Stop 80 - Sistermoon
Hi I just wanted to let you know that Jodi has created a quick page freebie for you guys using my Neapolitan Coconut kit available at scraphead.com. The quick page can be snagged at Jodi's blog here

It is time for another blog train from Pretty scrappy!!!!!!!!!! This time it is the Changing Seasons kit, this kit has some very nice colors, it is a very pretty kit
Here is my Quick page
and CBR's flower
and Janice Brasil's overlay
Here is a preview of the entire kit

Don't forget to follow the train to snag the rest of these pages.
Allison "http://on-allisons-time.blogspot.com/" target="_blank">http://on-allisons-time.blogspot.com/
Baby Yaks "http://babyyaks.blogspot.com/" target="_blank">http://babyyaks.blogspot.com/
Brittney Ferguson Designs "http://brittneycreations.blogspot.com/" target="_blank">http://brittneycreations.blogspot.com/
Claudia "http://cantinhodacindy.blogspot.com/" target="_blank">http://cantinhodacindy.blogspot.com/
Creations By Rachael "http://creationsbyrachael.blogspot.com/" target="_blank">http://creationsbyrachael.blogspot.com/
Creative Apples "http://creativeapples.wordpress.com/" target="_blank">http://creativeapples.wordpress.com/
Designs By Mel "http://designsbymel.blogspot.com/" target="_blank">http://designsbymel.blogspot.com
Dorothy's Creations "http://dorothyscreationss.blogspot.com/" target="_blank">http://dorothyscreationss.blogspot.com/
HeartPrints by Design "http://heartprintsbykc.blogspot.com/" target="_blank">http://heartprintsbykc.blogspot.com/
Inspired Mommie Designs "http://inspiredmommiedesigns.blogspot.com/" target="_blank">http://inspiredmommiedesigns.blogspot.com/
Jaydensmama Designs "http://jaydensmamadesigns.blogspot.com/" target="_blank">http://jaydensmamadesigns.blogspot.com/
Just Passin Thru "http://justpassinthru.wordpress.com/" target="_blank">http://justpassinthru.wordpress.com/
Kenna's Designs "http://kennasdesigns.blogspot.com/" target="_blank">http://kennasdesigns.blogspot.com/
Lime Scrapped "http://limescrapped.blogspot.com/" target="_blank">http://limescrapped.blogspot.com/
Lynn "http://themathematiciansassistant.com/" target="_blank">http://themathematiciansassistant.com/
Mariscrap "http://mariscrap.over-blog.com/" target="_blank">http://mariscrap.over-blog.com
Pretty Scrappy "http://prettyscrappy.blogspot.com/" target="_blank">http://prettyscrappy.blogspot.com/
Sarah "http://iamsimplysarah.blogspot.com/" target="_blank">http://iamsimplysarah.blogspot.com/
Share Joy "http://scrappysolano.blogspot.com/" target="_blank">http://scrappysolano.blogspot.com/
Share Your Moments "http://shareyourmoments.typepad.com/" target="_blank">http://shareyourmoments.typepad.com/
Teri's Thingomyjigs "http://www.teristhingomyjigs.blogspot.com/" target="_blank">http://www.teristhingomyjigs.blogspot.com
Well I got to participate in the ad designers group collaborative kit this month, and you guys are in for a treat, this kit is to be given out to you for free, and all you have to do is follow the train,
Here is my portion of the train, it isn't much, but I tried lol
And to find the rest of these wonderful kits follow the train here
Adele of Blind Sight Designs
Adventures in Scrapland
Amanda of Amandas Scrappy Creations
Amie of Amiebear
Beckmoores Scrapalittle
Bouquet of Pixels
Brooke at Ahhh Scrap
CMB Designs
Creative Digital Scraps by Chiara
Deanna at Flower Scraps
Digital Keepsakes
Doodle Designs
Elemental Pixie
EmCee Scraps
Erika {aka PinkuPixie}
HeatherStokes at HSDesigns
Jayden's Mama
JIC Creations
Just Another Scrap
Kathy Goldstein
Lei at Fairydustprincess-Magicmaker
Linda at Linda's Dream Designs
Lynn of Heavenly Crafts
Lynn at TMA
Manda at Disaster in Designs
Merrilee Wheaton Designs
MsBhvin Scraps
My Little Corner of the World
Oase Panda Bear Designs
Pamela Yates at Pammy's Playground
Scrapping with Jen
Shabby Tagger
Shel at Shel Belle Scraps
Stacy at Kalo Designs
Teri at Teris Thing-O-My-Jigs
Wendi at Willow Grace Designs
WillowRaven at Purple Dragonfly Creations
Becky's Scraps